Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen is very important to human and living beings. It is chiefly found in amino acids and proteins. There are compounds continuously built and broken down in metabolic activities.

Read more: Nitrogen Cycle

Carbon cycle

Carbon is required in large amount as a basic building block for all organic matter. The ultimate source of carbon is carbon dioxide, converted to organic matter in the photosynthesis.

Read more: Carbon cycle

Sustainable development

 It is nothing but the development which meets the needs of present generation and also future. Equal standard of living and all resources should be available for future generation also.

Read more: Sustainable development

Ecology of Population

For every ecosystem, the population depends on two factors viz. 1.Biotic potential 2.Environmental resistance. Biotic potential is nothing but an ability of particular species to reproduce at certain rate.

Read more: Ecology of Population


These are ecosystems in which fresh water from rivers meets the ocean water, the two being mixed by action of tides.

The degree of mixing of salt and fresh water depend on part of the morphology of the estuary basin, the rate and volume of fresh water flow and the amount of tides in the flow.

The biota of estuaries is in turn regulated by the degree of mixing, however the major components are species restricted to the estuarine situation such as oysters and crabs and those that come from the sea such as shrimp.

The high productivity of estuaries than adjacent sea or river results from being nutrient traps for both physical and biological reasons also estuarine producers which includes sea weeds, marsh grasses as well as benthic algae and phytoplankton are capable of nearly year round photosynthesis.

Further more,r higher the fluctuations of the water level higher is the productivity, tide serving to remove waste and to transport food and nutrients.
