Environmental Chemistry -II

  • What is pH of rain water? Why?
  • What is relation between ppm and mg/l?
  • Explain the difference in strong and weak acid.
  • Potable water has both acidity and alkalinity. How is it possible?
  • Explain role of pH in precipitation of heavy metals.
  • What are colloids?
  • Explain the role of Zeta Potential in coagulation of water.
  • Explain the terms Isotope, Ion, pKa, Normal Solution, MilliEquivalent,
  • What is unit of measurement for Alkalinity? Why it is same for Hardness measurement?
  • In aeration, Oxygen gets dissolved in water, whereas Carbon-di-Oxide is expelled from water. Why?
  • Fluoride in water has minimum and maximum permissible limits. why?
  • Soda-lime process cannot remove the hardness completely. Why?
  • How to determine Total volatile solids.
  • If water analysis shows high COD but zero BOD, what may be the reasons?
  • What is difference between apparant and true turbidity?
  • What disinfectant is used for swimming pool?
  • What is relation between hardness and alkalinity?
  • What is free residual chlorine?
  • What are amphoteric compounds? What is their role in coagulation?